Carbon Reduction Challenge

An initiative of the Georgia Tech College of Sciences and Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, in collaboration with the Georgia Climate Project


Get started with your carbon reduction project.


Use these videos to get acquainted with the program.

Dr. Beril Toktay and Kjersti Lukens

7 min

Dr. Samantha Wilson and Jairo Garcia

25 min

 Slides- Intro Climate Basics PPT

Project Resources

Click through the resources below to get more ideas for your projects, or learn more on the topic of carbon reduction.

Articles, Ted Talks, Newsletters…

Final expo

Use these templates to create your final deliverables (report and ppt) for the Final Expo! Reports are used to show the inner workings of your projects and can be given to your client for futher implementation. The PPT presentation will be a short, high level overview deliverable to help pitch your project to outside attendees and stakeholders. ​

Use this template [LINK] to write up the results of your in-depth survey. This can be your final deliverable for your client. 

Here are examples of well-written final reports that show the level of detail we are looking for:

Use this template [LINK] to make a short presentation about your carbon reduction project. Feel free to customize the look and feel of your presentation.

We’ll use these criteria [LINK] to evaluate your project and announce the winners!